Oberon Buttons

Who agrees that Oberon Buttons is cuter than a button? Not only is he cuteness overload, but he is the sweetest boy who gives you the best cuddles! Being vision impaired, Oberon definitely relates to Daredevil and his sense of humor!

We hope you can see how much Oberon’s pictures radiate happiness and his joy to be alive. He has such a zest for life and if Pharrell Wiliam’s songs “Happy” could ever describe a dog, it would be our boy.

Oberon would do best in a home with other dogs and a flat yard to make it  easier for him to navigate! But, our boy is not afraid of anything and runs around at full speed, but also loves being on the couch with you for snuggles and movie nights! Due to his vision impairment, he will need some time to map out his new surroundings and can do stairs, but his foster does carry him down the stairs! Our Lovable Lemon is still a work in progress in potty training but is getting better everyday!

Location: San Diego

Breed: French Bulldog

Approximate DOB: 06/08/2023

Personality: cuddlebug, happiest boy ever, lover of all people and dogs

Dog Friendly: yes

Kid Friendly: no exposure

Cat Friendly: no exposure

Medical needs: vision impaired, but has some limited vision

Adoption fee: $850

Give a home to a Little
Lemon today!